Small size 12cm wide
Regular size 13cm wide
Computer screen glare, inadequate room lighting and poor ergonomics are all known to contribute to eyestrain. The convergence of our eyes however is the main factor why we have computer-induced eyestrain.
By adopting a special prismatic lens to reduce convergence demand on the eyes while we look at a near object such as a computer - sound ophthalmological theory has been put into real practice.
The lenses are tinted to cut down glare and UV radiation, and they are non-magnifying. Most importantly, the prism feature of the lens will gently re-position our eyes to a more natural and comfortable position, relieving demand on eye muscles. This indirectly relaxes the focussing effort, providing a reduction in tension and clearer vision.
A rising awareness for computer-induced eyestrain has seen a proliferation of products aiming to reduce eyestrain symptoms.
They are usually screen filters or coated lenses that cut down monitor glare & UV radiation, or magnifying lenses to enlarge the print so as to reduce the focussing demand. However, a distortion in stereopsis (3D sense) may occur, causing intermediate or distance blurred vision.
Relaxo Australia, after years of research and development, has been able to put sound ophthalmological theory into real practice – by adopting a special prismatic lens to reduce convergence demand on the eyes while we look at a near object such as a computer terminal.
The prism feature of the lens will gently re-position our eyes to a more natural and comfortable position, relieving demand on eye muscles.
The lenses are tinted to cut down glare and UV radiation, and they are non-magnifying. Most importantly, the prism feature of the lens will gently re-position our eyes to a more natural and comfortable position, relieving demand on eye muscles. This indirectly relaxes the focussing effort, providing a reduction in tension and enhancement of clearer vision.
"I have been using the CompuSpec computer glasses and am really happy with the product. I can use my computer at work and home and avoid burning eyes, blurred vision etc..."
Many thanks
Ashkan Shaghafi
Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum and reaches deeper into the eye...
Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum and reaches deeper into the eye...
Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum and reaches deeper into the eye...
Blue light is part of the visible light spectrum and reaches deeper into the eye...